ColourValue = RGBGreyScale(RgbColour)

    RgbColour = The RGB colour value to convert

    ColourValue = The grey scale equivalent of the input colour value

     The RGBGreyScale() function returns a RGB colour value converted to a grey scale equivalent. This is generally useful when you need to compute how bright a colour is.


     * A colour returned from RGBGreyScale will have all it's R,G,B channel levels et to the same value. So R channel level will equal B as would the G in turn will equal B.

Mini Tutorial:

      This example draws a random patch of dots, then repeats this process but this time coverting the dot colours to grey scales.

; Seed the Random Number generator
  Randomize 47
; Draw 5000 random coloured dots
; within the the left hand section of
; the screen.
  For lp =0 To 5000
     DotC Rnd(100),Rnd(100),RndRGB()
; ReSeed the Random Number generator
  Randomize 47
; Draw the same set of dots, but this
; time in grey scale colours.
  For lp =0 To 5000
     DotC 200+Rnd(100),Rnd(100),RgbGreyScale(RndRGB())
; Show the Screen and wait for a key press

Related Info: ARGB | RGB | RgbAlphaAdd | RgbAlphaAnd | RGBAlphaBlend | RgbAlphaMult | RgbAlphaOr | RgbAlphaSub | RgbAlphaXOr | RGBFade :

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