ChannelIndex = ReadNewFile(Filename$)

    Filename$ = The name of the file you wish to read data from

    ChannelIndex = Index of the file channel

      ReadNewFile opens a file for read access. The command requires the filename to open for reading. If the file exists, ReadNewFile will return the file channel index for use with subsequent reading commands to us.

      Files can be accessed both sequentially and randomly. However, files can NOT be written to when opened with ReadNewFile

Sequential Access

      Sequential file access, is when you step through the file in order, in other words, you begin reading at the start of the file, and continue reading through it from start to finish. Never stepping backward or skipping forward.

Random Access

      Random file access, is where you jump around through the file reading one section, then perhaps jumping back or skipping forward. So your randomly accessing parts of file at will. This is often invaluable when you need to read data sections found in image files, or constructing your own pack file format.


      * Files Opened with ReadNewFile can not be written to.

Mini Tutorial:

      This example creates a simple file with some various bits of data store in it, then read it's back again.

; CReate a File for writing data to
; Write a Byte to myfile of value 200
  WriteByte MyFile,200
; Write a Word to myfile of value 64000
  WriteWord MyFile,64000
; Write a INTEGER to myfile of value 123456
  WriteInt MyFile,123456
; Write a FLOAT to myfile of value 123.456
  WriteFloat MyFile,123.456
; Write a String to myfile  of value Hello World
  WriteString MyFile,"Hello World"
; Close this file channel
  CloseFile MyFile
  Print "============================"
  Print "Reading File:"+File$
  Print "============================"
; Open a file to READ with ReadNEwFile
; Read and display the byte value
  Print "   Byte Data:"+Str$(ReadByte(MyFile))
; Read and display the word value
  Print "   Word Data:"+Str$(ReadWord(MyFile))
; Read and display the Integer value
  Print "Integer Data:"+Str$(ReadInt(MyFile))
; Read and display the Float value
  Print "  Float Data:"+Str$(ReadFloat(MyFile))
; Read and display the String value
  Print "  String Data:"+ReadString$(MyFile)
; Close this file channel
  CloseFile MyFile
  If FileExist(file$) Then DeleteFile file$
; Display the screen and wait for a key press

This example would output.

  Reading File:C:Windows\temp\Pb_TestFile.txt
  Byte Data:200
  Word Data:64000
  Integer Data:123456
  Float Data:123.456
  String Data:Hello World

Related Info: CloseFile | OpenFile | OpenNewFile | ReadByte | ReadByteAt | ReadChr$ | ReadChrAt$ | ReadFloat | ReadFloatAt | ReadInt | ReadIntAt | ReadString$ | ReadStringAt$ | ReadValue | ReadValue# | ReadWord | ReadWordAt | WriteFile :

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