Parameters: NONE
Returns: NONE

      The FlushKeys command, clears the keyboard input que. This can be used to ensure the user doesn't hold the keys down for example.


      * None

Mini Tutorial:

      This examble reads the current scancode from the keyboard, if a key is pressed a message is displayed and then FlushKeys is executed. So it will not allow the key to be held down.

; Set the Demo to run at 20 frames per second or less
  SetFPS 20
; Start an infinite D0-LOOp
   ; Clear the screen to black RGB(0,0,0)
     Cls RGB(0,0,0)
   ; Read current Keyboard scancode
   ; Display this button state to the screen.
     Print "Current Key pressed:"+     Str$( CurrentKeyState)
   ; If any keys were pressed, then flush all keyboard input events
     If CurrentKeyState<>0
        Print "A Key was Pressed"
      ; Clear the keyboard input que
   ; Display the screen
   ; Loop back to the DO statement

Related Info: FlushMouse | LeftMouseButton | MidMouseButton | MouseButton | RightMouseButton :

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