RandomFloat# = Rnd#(Range)

    Range = The Range value that the random number is selected within.

    RandomFloat# = The random number selcted by the RND#() function

      The Rnd# function will return a random number between and zero and the range value selected. This range value and zero are inclusive, so their both possible outputs of the function. Each time you use the Rnd#() function it will return a different result.

      While Rnd# may appear to produce random results to us humans, the results it produces are in fact part of a 'set'. These number in the millions however, so it's unlikely you'll noticed the values repeating, but they do repeat. This is not actually a PlayBASIC issue, it's an issue with how random number generation techniques employed in computers.


      * The value returned by the Rnd# function is inclusive of zero and bellow the range limit.

      * See Randomize to seed the random number generator


Example #1: 10 Random Numbers

      Displaying a list of 10 random numbers between 0 and 100 (inclusive)

  For lp=1 To 5
   ; display a random number between 0 and 100
     Print Rnd#(100)
; Display the Screen and wait for the user to press a key

This example could output something like this. (could as it'll be random set of results each time you run the program)



Example #2: Using Randomize to seed RND generator

In this example we're going to display a set of random numbers, but with one key difference to the above. This time by using the RANDOMIZE command to seed the random number geneator, we can be sure that set of randoms generated, will always be the same.

; Set the Random Number Generator Seed
  Randomize 546
  For lp=1 To 10
   ; display a random number between 0 and 100
     Print Rnd#(100)
; Display the Screen and wait for the user to press a key

This example could output something like this. (could as it'll be random set of results each time you run the program)



Related Info: Randomize | Rnd | RndRange | RndRange# :

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