Index = LoadNewMusic(Filename$)

    Filename$ = The file name of the music you wish to load

    Index = The Index where this music data is stored

LoadNewMusic will load/que a Music file ready to be played. You must provide LoadNewMusic with the filename and path of the music you wish to load. LoadNewMusic return the Index that this music was stored in. Once the Music data has been loaded, you can play it using the PlayMusic command.


* LoadNewMusic Expects music files to be in the Wav\Ogg\Midi\Mod formats.

* You can find this Example in the PlayBasic\Projects\Music folder

Mini Tutorial:

This example will load a music file then let the user control the musics playback with various keyboard controls.

; Load the music up front
     Cls RGB(0,0,0)
   ; Display Instructions
     Print "Music Example"
     Print ""
     Print " F1 = Load Music"
     Print " F2 = Play Music"
     Print " F3 = Pause Music"
     Print " F4 = Resume Music"
     Print " F5 = Stop Music"
     Print " Up/Down Arrows = Volume Control"
     Print " Left/Right Arrows = Pan Control"
     Print ""
   ; Load the load track (init streaming of this track)
     If FunctionKeys(1)
        DeleteMusic MusicIndex
   ; Get the Status of the music
     If GetMusicStatus(Musicindex)=true
      ; If the F2 key is pressed play the music
        If FunctionKeys(2Then  PlayMusic MusicIndex
      ; If the F3 key is pressed Pause the music
        If FunctionKeys(3Then  PauseMusic MusicIndex
      ; If the F4 key is pressed Resume the music
        If FunctionKeys(4Then  ResumeMusic MusicIndex
      ; If the F5 key is pressed Stop the music
        If FunctionKeys(5Then  StopMusic MusicIndex
      ; If the Up arrow is pressed increase the volume
        If UpKey() Then        MusicVolume MusicIndex,Volume+1
      ; If the Down arrow is pressed decrease the volume
        If DownKey() Then        MusicVolume MusicIndex,Volume-1
      ; Get the Pan of the music
      ; if the Left arrow is press pan the music left
        If LeftKey() Then        MusicPan MusicIndex,Pan-1
      ; if the Right arrow is press pan the music Right
        If RightKey() Then   MusicPan MusicIndex,Pan+1
   ;Display the Music Status
     Print ""
     Print " Music Current Status:"+Str$(GetMusicStatus(1))
     Print " Music Current Volume:"+Str$(Volume)
     Print " Music Current    Pan:"+Str$(Pan)
     Print ""
   ; Show the Music playing Status
     Select GetMusicPlaying(MusicIndex)
         Case -1
             mode$="Music is Not LOADED"
         Case 0
             mode$= "Music Is Loaded but Not Playing"
         Case 1
             Mode$= "Music Is Playing"
         Case 2
             Mode$="Music Paused"
         Case 3
             Mode$="Music Playing + Paused"
     Print "Current Music Status:"+mode$
   ; Delete all music tracks if the space key is pressed
     If SpaceKey()
   ; refresh the screen
   ; loop back to the DO statement

Related Info: DeleteMusic | GetFreeMusic | LoadMusic | LoadSound | LoopMusic | MusicVolume | PlayMusic | StopMusic :

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