ASCII_Code = Mid(InputString$, CharacterPosition)

    InputString$ = The string you want to read the ASCII values from
    CharacterPosition = The position of character you wish to query from the input string

    ASCII_Code = The ASCII code the represent this character

      The Mid() function allows you to grab the ASC II value of any character from within the InputString$


      * Mid() returns the ASC II value of a character. It's a short cut for the following ThisChr=asc(mid$(InputString$,Pos,1))

Mini Tutorial:

      Examing the ASC II values within a string is normally done by using the MID$() function to grab a single character and then converting the returned character to it's ASCII value using the ASC function. So Mid() is really shorthand for that..

I.e. Here's how we used do this.

  Print "getting ASCII codes using MID$ and ASC"
  Number$="ABCDPlay Basic"
  For lp =0 To Len(number$)
     Print Asc(Mid$(Number$,lp,1))
; New WAY with this special Mid function
  Print "getting ASCII codes using MID short cut"
  Number$="ABCDPlay Basic"
  For lp =0 To Len(number$)
     Print Mid(Number$,lp)
; Show Screen

      In this mini example, both loops step through string number$, grabbing each character and then displaying it's ASCII value. The mid() is just a little cleaner for what is fairly common process. So mid() is a shortcut.

Sample output

  getting ASCII codes using MidAnd Asc
  getting ASCII codes using Mid short cut

Related Info: ASC | Left$ | Mid$ | Right$ | Val :

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