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 PlayBasic V1.65 Beta Testing

By: Kevin Picone Added: August 15th, 2016

Category: All,Update,Upgrade,Beta testing,Retail

PlayBasic V1.65 Beta testing:

     Hopefully you’ve been following the development of PlayBasic V1.65 in the WIP thread on the forums, but for those that haven’t V1.65 is the introduction of the brand new, highly optimized virtual machine (VM) backend for the PlayBasic. The VM is the code that actually executes your program, so the faster it is the faster your programs execute.

     The replacement process has been a daily grind throughout our winter, but the I’m now extremely pleased to say that there is some very light at the end of the tunnel, with the project entering beta testing at the start of this month. With each passing day we’re replacing missing or fixing broken functionality and squashing it. Build 54 (Beta54) was released to the forums a matter of hour ago. So if want to help out test it, you can download it from the forums.

Why replace the PBVM now ?

     That’s valid question, as the existing back end works well enough, but the reasoning goes well behind functionality of the it, the problem with the V1.64 editions and older editions of PBVM is they don’t have static instruction sets. Now I know this sounds like gibberish to most people, but in simple terms what this means is that the internal codes between revisions of the PBVM are often different. Internally this doesn’t matter, but since we want to produce more add conversion tools like PB2DLL (Which is already released btw), then this can be nightmare to support. As changes to the PlayBasic compiler would break those tools..

     So really the motivation behind replacing all the PBVM is not actually speed (although it’s always nice to have more speed), it’s to make the development of conversion tools easier.

What’s left on the To DO List ?

     Those that read the maintenance blogs would know that things move slowly with limited time. There’s lot of things I’d love to do, but don’t have the human resources to do, when I’d like. So often we need to manage expectations and aim for smaller goals that are achievable rather than sky high thinking.

     The main goals this year has been to replace the PBVM, PB WebSite and moving into conversion phase..

     Read PlayBasic V1.65 BLOGS



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