Operators and Compisons

By: Kevin Picone Added: October 9th, 2022

Category: All,Getting Started,Comparisons

This question came in recently.. So here's a quick response on the subject. You can find more on the PlayBasic Help files (online link bellow)

What are ">=, >, <, <=, == , !=" all these and why would they need to get used?"

Most of those are comparison operators. So we use them to compare the terms on either side of the operator.

>= compare if the LEFT term is Bigger than or equal to the RIGHT term

<= compare if the LEFT term is Less than or equal to the RIGHT term

> compare if the LEFT term is Bigger than the RIGHT term

< compare if the LEFT term is Less than the RIGHT term

== compare if the LEFT term is equal to the RIGHT term

!= compare if the LEFT term is NOT EQUAL to the RIGHT term

So in regards to why we would use them; well whenever we need to check if two terms are numerically the same (Equal too) or similar or even not equal we can use the appropriate operator to do the comparison for us which will then return a boolean result of TRUE(1) or FALSE(0).. back to us.

Read more about Comparisons and Operators in our Help Files

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