#INCLUDE "SourceFile" [, "AnotherSourceFile", ...]

    "SourceFile" [, "AnotherSourceFile", ...] = File(s) to includes
Returns: NONE
      With the #INCLUDE directive you can add External Source Files. Usually these files are located in one of the directories specified in the Library page of the Editor's Preferences Dialog.

      PlayBASIC comes with various big and small library expansions, some are documented and some aren't. You can and find them in your PlayBASIC installation folder under the SLIB folders. SLIBS stands for Source Libraries, many of the libaries only contain a few helper functions, where as others are large wrappers around external DLLS. The libraries are FREE for use with PlayBASIC, but they are not Public domain.

      The #include directive is actually implemented by the IDE and not the PlayBASIC compiler (PlayBASIC V1.64O and older), the IDE pre-parses your projects source code looking for #include statements. If it finds one, it grabs the following filename and looks for the file in your projects folder. If the source isn't stored within your project folder, it looks in the PlayBASIC slib folder. So source files in your project have precedence over SLIBS.

      You can open included source codes from the IDE by right clicking on the filename and selecting the Open File At Cursor from the menu. This will temporarily load the source code into your project as a tab, so you pick through and see check out what functions it contains. But be careful when making changes to SLIBS that comes with PlayBASIC, as your changes might have a negative effect on some other code that uses the library and your changes will no doubt be overwritten when you next update. If you deem it necessary to change any slib, then we strongly recommend you make a copy of the file, rename it and place it into your project folder. You can't distribute such source code files though in.

      For more details see the PlayBASIC files section in the Editor's Help (menu "Help" -> "IDE Help").

Related Info: Libraries :

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