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 PlayBasic2DLL V099g Released - Fractal Performance !

By: Kevin Picone Added: June 30th, 2014

Category: All,Update,Tools,Machine Code

PlayBasic To Dll - Breaking the one second mark for fractal render

     After tweaking the floating point code generator just a little, we get an even more staggering result from the previous fractal test, which now is rendering inside a second for a 640*480 screen on my test machine AMD FX64 (3000+). The result gives us about 150 millisecond improvement over the initial test, so even the first versions of PB2DLL are surprisingly optimal, in particular when you compare those results to the primary competitors. PB2DLL is consistently 3.5 times faster than one and 5.2 times faster than another..

     In this particular example the routine has a lot of dependency, by that i mean, calculations need to be done in a set order. I suspect if the generator could interleave some of the FPU instructions around integer instructions, we could go even further though. This is possible as the integer and float (FPU) sides of your CPU can actually run in unison. Instruction operations on either side can generally overlap other instructions also, providing the following instructions don't rely upon the result of a previous instruction. So we could interleave instructions that take a long time to execute around other instructions as long as they don't rely upon the result.

     Note: The original code/demo is attached to an earlier post in the PB2DLL WIP thread, it's exactly the same code.

PlayBasic To Dll V0.99g Released and Available For Download (30th,June,2014)

     Here's revision G of PB2DLL V0.99 package. This revision is focuses on bugs and the more improvements to code generation engine. The main bug that this update fixes is the possible freeze when attempting to load a PBA that's has no exportable functions in it. It was a strange issue caused by the Replace$() function in PB, but that's been solved now. So if you select a source that has no exports, you should get an error message, rather than it hanging.

Code Generation:

     Just like the previous build i've been working on improving it's detection and abilities to solve sequences of byte code operations in order and with in CPU registers. The solver can support integer and float data types mainly. SO it's looking for sequences of integer or float operations that stack up in sequence. When it finds one, it short cuts this series of instructions.

     The Integer solver has three main additions, it support equality tests (= and <>) , Compare/Branches as well as better support for Left/Right hand operators. The latter allows it to better track where which side of the temp data came from, then remap the operator accordingly.

     On the float side, the changes are a little different, the float solver can handle recasting results and some limited single parameter functions like Sqrt(), ABS() as well as the normal addition/subtraction/Divide/Multiplies.



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